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A Mappy Weekend in Dodoma, Tanzania

Shabani Magawila and Herry Kasunga, UDOM &IRDP

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

On the 22nd and 23rd of August 2020, Crowd2Map Tanzania organized and hosted training sessions for YouthMappers chapters at the Institute of Rural Development Planning - Dodoma(IRDP) and the University of Dodoma(UDOM) on open geospatial data and open source geospatial software. The sessions covered the following topics:

  • An introduction to OpenStreetMap

  • Open Data

  • OSM editing using iD editor and JOSM

  • Map design with QGIS

  • Data collection using smartphone: ODK and Kobotoolbox

The purpose of the training was to develop the students’ capacity in the use of open-source tools to deliver the positive changes in their community. We had thirty-five attendees from IRDP and eight from the University of Dodoma. This included both YouthMappers students and academic faculty from both universities.

Participants during the training at IRDP

The training sessions were conducted by GIS specialist and consultant Mr. Herry Kasunga from IIED and Crowd2Map Tanzania. He shared with us about OSM, how it was discovered, and how we can add valuable information to the map. Everyone managed to create an OSM account and map features by using iD editor and JOSM.

Mr. Herry looking at his computer in front of the class of students on their laptops.

Mr. Herry leading a training session at the University of Dodoma, UDOM

We also discussed open data, its benefits, and how we can contribute by updating data. The discussion went well with a great response and excitement from YouthMappers. Finally, we created a map of health facilities in Dodoma using OSM data and QGIS.

Map of Dodoma with 4 hospital points

In the organizing process, there was a collaboration with the YouthMappers lead at IRDP, Mr. Shaban Magawila, faculty advisors( Mr. Pambila Godwin and Dr. Canute Hyandye) Herry Kasunga and Janet Chapman from Crowd2Map Tanzania. Thank you so much for your support and assistance!

YouthMappers after the training sessions at UDOM and IRDP

 YouthMappers® is a registered trademark No. 5.203.611, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Class 41, Ser. No. 87-165,163 (Solis, 2033). All rights reserved.


Arizona State University is the fiscal and administrative lead university. Founding universities are Texas Tech University, George Washington University, and West Virginia University. Data is added to OpenStreetMap in collaboration with the OSM community and our partners.

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