My name is Mukisa Ndabi Emmanuel a young member of Gulu YouthMappers’ chapter, and I am pursuing a degree in Computer science (Year two).
The first time I heard about the YouthMappers network was from Mr. Kansiime Kenneth. I really had no knowledge of YouthMappers, and within my mind, I was questioning what it was all about. Then we started the training led by Mrs. Stellamaris Nakacwa who really explained what the YouthMappers' network is all about. She also taught us about JOSM (Java OpenStreetMap Editor) and took us through how to use its' tools while mapping, how to open up accounts in OpenStreetMap, how to contribute to developed projects and even contribute to our tasks. It was really amazing and fun to me because I got exposed to new software developments and apps, which I really did not know about.
Leaving exposure aside I even discovered that I am a person of value to my nation and the world at large. Because at the comfort of my small room with my laptop, I can map affected or needy areas using JOSM and I contribute information of value to investors and other government agencies that reach out to people in need. I am so grateful for this network because I and the chapter members are always obligated to extend our knowledge through self-learning, volunteering by mapping projects on the Tasking Manager and transferring our skills to our brothers and sisters in the university.

Thank you so much to YouthMappers' founders, Stellamaris Nakacwa and Kansiime Kenneth my chapter president for the great opportunity.