Below is the text of a letter recently sent on behalf of all YouthMappers everywhere to the YouthMappers chapter and University of Cape Coast, Ghana.

Department Of Geography & Regional Planning
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Cape Coast
Cape Coast, Ghana, West Africa
Dear Students, Faculty, Colleagues, Collaborators, Friends and Family Members of the late beloved Prof. James Kweku Eshun,
On behalf of the thousands of young leaders around the world, their faculty mentors, and their community collaborators who form part of the global community of YouthMappers, we express our deepest condolences to you on the passing of Professor James Eshun.
Professor Eshun was the first to respond to our invitation to form a new chapter of YouthMappers. He was an able and beloved mentor, and quickly grew the UCC YouthMappers chapter to be the largest in the consortium, and one of the most innovative. The YouthMappers under his mentorship thrived and became not only an example for the 145 other campuses in 45 countries, but also became an active collaborator with many of them. His students distinguished themselves among the global Leadership Fellows. We are immensely grateful for how he worked with students in the true spirit of “not just building maps, but building mappers.” He believed in students and the great impact they can have, and he set the standard for getting young people engaged in service to their communities. His legacy lives on in your lives and hearts, and also, in ours.
Professor Ehsun earned the distinction of our very first, inaugural YouthMappers Mentor Award. Our leadership steering committee has unanimously decided to rename this annual award in his honor, so that his life as a role model will be remembered. As of 2019, this will be known as the James Kweku Eshun YouthMappers Mentoring Award.
Peace be with you all in this time of sorrow and remembrance.