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A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Apply for YouthMappers Programs

Nina Feldman, The George Washington University

YouthMappers offers many unique programs to its member chapters so we've summarized how to apply for these opportunities below:

How To: Earn Chapter Designation

YouthMappers and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOT) have merged their platforms to encourage collaboration between various universities and across their combined global network. To become a HOT University Club you must complete the following:

(1) Be a current and active member group of YouthMappers

Click here to start you application!

(2) Promote a focus on open mapping for humanitarian priorities conducted through HOT

This includes mapping for disaster relief and preparedness

(3) Participate consistently in one or more HOT working groups

Groups include: Activation, Communications, Community, Fundraising, Governance and

More! Click here to learn more about HOT Working Groups!

(4) Contribute to HOT annual fundraising goals

If you follow these steps YouthMappers chapters can apply at any time when applications are made available.

How To: Request a Toolkit from Mapillary

Mapilary, another partner of HOT and the Red Cross, works to provide people with the means of adding photos and context to their maps by creating the Mapillary Humanitarian Mapping Kit. Each kit contains a smartphone, mount, memory card and battery pack. With this mapping kit, communities around the world will be able to add a more personal on-the-ground perspective to satellite imagery. By adding this level of intricacy and reality, YouthMappers can provide a more detailed analysis of their community. Things like road conditions, number of lanes in a street, distance amongst villages and even buildings conditions can be noted and improved over time.

To read more and apply for a Mapillary Humanitarian Mapping Kit click here!

How To: Request Imagery from Digital Globe

DigitalGlobe is a commercial satellite vendor that runs multiple satellites (Quickbird, GeoEye and WorldView). It is possible to request high resolution imagery by emailing with a screen shot of a map of the area requested with longitude/latitude reference, and a brief explanation of what the imagery will be used for and any other details surrounding your project.

How To: Request a Mapping Task

In order to start mapping for your own community or campus, please reach out to to ask for a task to be posted on TeachOSM Tasking Manager. You can find already made tasks posted here.

How To: Request a Certificate from YouthMappers

A certification from the non-profit organization, GIS Certification Institute (GISCI), is required in order to validate your groups volunteer mapping hours. This certificate will provide your chapter with a complete certification program, leading to GISP® (Certified GIS Professional) recognition. To learn more about GISCI and their certificate visit their website here.

To request a certificate for your YouthMappers chapter, please fill out the following form here

How To: Download StoryMap Software

Finally, YouthMappers invites you to write your own story, using StoryMaps! A free online programs provided by ESRI that allows you to create your own visual representation of your program using maps and pictures. Inspire the world with your own chapters story at

 YouthMappers® is a registered trademark No. 5.203.611, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Class 41, Ser. No. 87-165,163 (Solis, 2033). All rights reserved.


Arizona State University is the fiscal and administrative lead university. Founding universities are Texas Tech University, George Washington University, and West Virginia University. Data is added to OpenStreetMap in collaboration with the OSM community and our partners.

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